Friday, June 22, 2012

Cooking Class

Hi hi!

Haven't written here for such a long time, have been really busy with many stuff =) But today, Penguin came over to my place, ate dinner and made supper for Penguin's family!! It was so much fun cooking with Penguin =) And it was pretty good too, especially for a first timer =D We didn't follow the measurements much but went with the flow and it came up decent.

We made Omu-rice ( Japanese Style ), where the rice was inside the omelet and mixed with vegetable and tomato and a few other ingredients. Then he also made toast with ham and cheese, the melted cheese looks so darn good, I was about to steal a bit from it, but a Penguin's eye was on me! 0_0

Well anyway, I hope Penguin's family enjoys it because a lot of effort has been put into making it =) I have no pictures to show of the Bento because I forgot to snap a shot. But I do so hope to have such a fun experience again =)

Alright, got to go and prepare for tomorrow!

Ciao ~Andrea =)

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