Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wild Honey

Hey ~

Today I'm going to post two times, so that the pictures will not overload =) Today I went to Wild Honey together with my mother and we only had to wait like 23 minutes, thankfully. I'll have to say that is it a really neat place with good breakfast meals, and really filling. Well, at least for the foods that we ordered, we had even skipped lunch =) We ate Tunisian and European - both recommended by the ?Manager / Boss? My mother had a cappuccino, and a Hazelnut latte for myself, plus a huge glass of Orange juice to share.

[ Tunisian - $19.00 ]
Tunisian: This is a spicy dish, It isn't totally spicy to the point you require drinking water, but spicy enough to tickle your tongue. A really nice dish served in a pan with the bread and vegetable served on the side. The bread was to be used for dipping into the sauce. The egg in this dish, I'll have to say was really , really good. The way it was cooked just right - not too soft, and not too hard. The sausages were thinly sliced.

[ European - $19.00 ]
European: This is the Wild Honey's version of 'Eggs Benedict', and it is really good. The egg yolk just flows out smoothly after cutting it and the bacon is not too soft nor too crispy. As for the mushroom, it was fantastic. It is so savoury, a definite must-try for mushroom lovers! If you aren't so much of an 'Eggs Benedict' or soft-boiled egg fan, then you'll have to give this dish a miss. But really a two thumbs up for this dish =)

The Decoration here is really more of a cross-culture. The tables and chairs provided were of different styles, making the place seem like a lovely English house. But the art hung up on the walls were of a little modern feeling. But I'll have to say that is was a really cosy place that is really just right for people to have breakfast there and have a nice little chat over coffee.

And finally, the service there is great, everyone is so warm and pleasant that you'll just have to put a smile on your face. And the ?Manager/Boss? is really friendly, going round to talk to people. And even whilst waiting outside for your seats, you can be sure that you won't be bored, because the staff would actually bring out little foods for tasting and to keep you happily waiting.

Wild Honey Website - here

Andrea Trinity ~

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