Friday, September 7, 2012

Late night Dinner

Hey, just another short post - no pictures.

Yesterday, I hung out with Penguin and we went for a movie at Junction8. Then after it was around 8+ p.m. going to 9p.m. And we haven't had a regular dinner yet, though we ate popcorn because I was starving before we rushed for the movie. So basically we shared the Korean set meal at the food court there which costs $6.90 i think. It was fish and chicken with rice and a bowl of soup ( and added rice =) ) I will have to say that it is really quite nice, love the fish. The rice is also really nice, it has this slightly salty taste that makes it good on it's own.

Penguin changed to become such a gentleman ( not that he wasn't sweet before, but it is different somehow ) this week. I kind of  hope it can keep up 。◕ ‿ ◕。 hehe. I am so happy ~ ! Penguin went external-DVD hunting today haha!

Well, that's all, got to continue with my work

Ciao ~Andrea Trinity =)

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