Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Canopy walk to Habour Front Mrt

Different from my usual food posts, today I am going to talk about my picnic trip on a special date for me. If you are just looking for photos and not reading this 'composition' then head over to my photobucket for more pictures! =) If you are interested in my Journey on 26.01.13 Saturday, let's embark on my trip!

First of all, we left at around 9.40 am and finished our Journey at around 4.15 pm. Our route was to start from the Canopy walk and make our way all the way to Vivo city [ Harbour Front MRT station ] where we stopped for our picnic at Hort Park.
[ Entire Trail Map - Click to Enlarge ]

MRT Directions MapThe way to head there for us was really complex because we wanted to start from the Canopy walk which is not easily accessible by bus nor train. And the nearest bus stop we found was on South Buona Vista Road. The only bus number that went there was 200, which leads up to Kent Ridge Park where you can start of the Canopy walk via Vigilante Drive. To arrive at this bus stop, you will alight at the Kent Ridge MRT station from the circle line and take exit B ( I am not sure if I remembered correctly but it should put Science Park ) to bus stop 2 - You will not need to cross the road to take bus 200 and its three stops away to lamppost 30. If you exit from the MRT station at Kent Ridge and see NUH, then turn around and go the opposite way because the bus stop to get to the bus 200 is on the other side. Apologies for the kiddie drawn map ;p

The way that we took gave our starting a steep uphill climb; we were quite tired by the time we reached the park's path that leads to the Canopy Walk. Have no fear fellow trekkers, all the trails have numerous signs to help you place yourself on your map. Most of the time we were walking along some strange road and paths that makes no sense but just further up ahead will be signs, I do believe you won't be able to get lost so easily unless well, if you do then there is always the map applications on your phones to lead you back somewhere! =D

Before starting on the Canopy Walk, we had to go through Kent Ridge Park which is pretty nice, vegetation totally surrounds you. This would definitely be a place to take a nice stroll away from the bustling city where you can feel the wind blowing your face and much sheltered from the sun. Maybe we were pretty early but it was really quiet and peaceful there; other then the sounds of the trees creaking, grasshoppers singing and the occasional birds' call.

The canopy lets you have a nice view just over trees where you may spot monkeys and pretty birds ( we didn't spot any monkeys though =( ) What you will mostly see will be the secondary trees, and to complete this trail only take around 5 minutes. People in wheelchairs would also come here to sightsee and enjoy the company of others.

Next is the Floral walk and Hort park, this place is basically more of a learning place where there are many different plants and flowers to see. You will need to visit the many 'little houses' of plants of which some are hosted by companies that promotes agriculture. Yet again, maybe we were really early ( 11 plus to Noon ) but there weren't many people around the this part of the park. Some of the showcases seem to be in the process of revamp but other then that it was a quiet place. We found a nice cosy spot to have our picnic. Be warned though, some spots have a very strong smell of manure. After our picnic, when you walk further up, there will be a restaurant and cafe, here will be a bit more nosier ( there was a children's party that day ) where you may use the restrooms and refill your bottles.

[ Dor Beetle ]
Oh and there was this one part on the way to the restaurants where there were bushes to our right. Because my partner was carrying the camera at that time and I was staring at the trees to our left that I didn't noticed there were many beetles¿ that were flying about. So when I turned back to ask him something he screamed a little and jumped back, and I got a fright and jumped back too and saw the HUGE bluish-black beetle¿ flew past me. He told me it hit the camera lens as it flew past and gave him a scare, thought it was some bee as it was HUGE. It looked something like this: I do not take credit for this picture
Being so quiet and quite empty you can get up to some naughty woohoo in such a lovely place. But I'm just kidding, though Singapore need to increase the birth-rate, there is no need to get up to such things in the public eyes ( Though papers and magazine has said that these sort of activities boosts birth rate ;p )

Walking straight up onto Alexandra Arch, which I heard is much nicer at night when the lights come on. Well ... it wasn't really pretty in the morning that day. Following on is the Forest Walk, I don't have much to say here because it was so quiet, we couldn’t find any birds at all, it was just exercising our foods off. Then after was the Hilltop walk which unfortunately we didn't explore because my partner at that time wasn't very keen on climbing up with our heavy bags and back down.

Then came Henderson Waves, I would say that Henderson Waves in my mind looks really pretty at night and the most beautiful when it's sunset where the light will reflect the light off its concave interior that would make it rather breathtaking. But in the afternoon, it was just another place to seek shelter from the glaring sun.

I do not take credit for this picture
A really funny thing happened before we walked on Henderson Waves. I was really thirsty because I was already falling sick, so I wanted a sports drink to cool down my throat rather then to drink my homemade Iced-lemon Tea. Therefore I placed my bags down to take out my money, when something bit me, I looked down calmly at first to see a huge red ant on my feet at the end of my socks and shoe tongue and it bit me again. I screamed and shook my leg really hard screaming for my partner to get it off, my bag flew off the log and I stop to see if it got thrown off but it bite onto me to hold on. My partner was in total shock that he didn't help me at first but in the end he killed the ant after flicking it off me. At that time I was totally freaking out and very embarrassed, but I find it so funny after that incident.

Finally we proceeded on to Faber walk, here was really confusing because there weren't as many signs as before but it was really fun being scared of the insects and huge spiders ( I hate those the most ). We took the cold and dark routes that eventually lead us to Jewel Box! So we rested there and ate our special cakes that was given to us by my Sweet Dear Mother =) But it was really fun, took funny videos and pictures. Jewel Box is a really neat place to have romantic dinners but at a high cost.

Last but not least, we completed the Marang trail where there were many insects. I stopped to take photos when suddenly my partner waved the bag at me and told me to run but I was shocked and scared that I just squat down and covered my head, he kept waving it on top of me and asked me to move then I quickly run to one side and he followed after me. It was after then that he told me there was a wasp following me but I didn't run - because I thought he was telling the bug to run =.=" so silly of me. And finally we reached vivo city where we freshened up and caught a movie =)

Thank you for reading this whole terrible long post of mine, but I just thought it would be fun to share my trip with you guys and hope that you may have as much fun as I did. In case you find it hard to get the maps of the different trails, you may download it below in pdf - sorry iPhone users. It is all the trails combined in one pdf by the National Parks Singapore.

Ciao ~
Andrea Trinity =)

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