Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hamburgerlar x Hello Kitty

Today was really tiring, had two action script test, then went for the Edgar's session again. I wouldn't be able to forget crossing the bridge near the library, then nearing the end ...... #>.<# So fun and sweet ~ Loved it! =)

Anyway, I had MacDonald's for lunch, the McSpicy meal =) I love spicy food! And Penguin was being really sweet. He bought for me the Hello Kitty plushy that costs $3.60, when I told him I liked the Hamburgular version which was being sold this week =D It's so darn cute! Love it, Thanks Penguin! #^.^#

[ Left - in wrapping, Right - out of packaging ]

Always think before you act, you don't want to do something that will make you regret. Regret hurts. Just saying =)

Ciao ~Andrea Trinity =)

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Hi ~
Today was so much fun! We had a second session with Edgar K.Than, he was explaining to us about visualization and how it can help us all to perform better. After his session, we went to City hall for lunch =)

We ate at Out of the Pan; Penguin ordered 'Red Wine Beef Wraps', and I ordered 'Barbecue Pork Wraps with Kimchi' =) Both were really nice =) Then we walked around and found a neat little cake for Papa Penguin ^.^ - Coco Exotic, I ate it before and it's nice $3.80 =)

Then after that I went out with my Mum and Sister. Whilst waiting for my sister to finish class, I went shopping with my Mum. We didn't get anything, but just browse around because it's GSS ( Great Singapore Sale ) !! And we were walking around and saw the cutest babies clothes! They were so very cute, my mum kept pretending she didn't know me because I was holding the beanie and scratch mitts, and was squealing away #>_<# But they were so cute, I couldn't help myself ^.^

Anyway after my sister's class, we went to catch the much awaited movie, MIB 3 Tommy Lee Jones yay! It's a really nice movie, really funny too =) Nicole Scherzinger was hot, but she's only there to look sexy. Won't give any spoilers, but everything is inter-related =) And there's a game on Android ans IOS, got to ask Someone to let me try out the game hehe ^_^ Anyway, you should catch the movie! =)

I don't own any of the pictures here [ ]

Ciao-su ~
Andrea Trinity =)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What to Expect when you're expecting

Hey! I just came back, not too long ago, from watching the movie - "What to expect when you're expecting". And as the name suggests, it's all couples getting pregnant or getting a child. This movie was actually based off a guide book series by Heidi Murkoff. It isn't all serious, its actually a comedy, rather! I'll have to say though, the Dad Squad, is really funny =) * sigh ... * After watching the movie, I just felt so excited to get a baby soon #>_<# Perhaps a couple of ducks ... or penguins? =p

I don't own these pictures - credits to Indiewire and Wiki =) Well anyway, I have to wake up early to drive tomorrow, so I'll just stop here for today. Nightie Blog! =)

[ What to expect when you're expecting ]

Andrea Trinity =)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Today started out really well! The graduation was a success, and I didn't do as badly as I thought. Yipee! I remember getting so high for the rest of the day because it was finally over. At the end, I went to Sweet Penguin's place, and his mum gave me dinner! =) The curry was really spicy and nice =) After that a couple of things happened, but oh well ...

Everyone has a place they want to escape from. If they did it unconsciously, they need to be aware of what they are pushing away. Only then, will they be able to tackle the problem before it got out of hand and pulls him / her right back into the heart of the problem. As much as running away seems to be such an easy way out, its not the solution. Easier said then done, but if measures aren't taken, then it'll be harder to handle when it gets worst, or maybe even regretful.

Basically, just ' deal with it '

Andrea Trinity =)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Nervous and Cupcakes =d

[ Cupcakes! ^_^ ]
My mum bought home cute cupcakes, and they were really tasty. It was both soft and moist, and not as sweet as it looks =) From 12 cupcakes! From the left (PB Chocolate , Red Velvet, Lychee ( Monday's Special ), Cookies N Cream, ??, Chocolate Chocolate )

Plus I'm so nervous for tomorrow, the blazer doesn't fit me at all! Hope that I'll do fine haha! Leaving with this awesome song! =) Gym Class Heroes feat. Ryan Tedder - The Fighter

Ciao ~
Andrea Trinity =)

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Today was such a fun day! But because my mother and I had to go to the PSSC Fair @Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, and she came back pretty ate because of the heavy traffic, she asked my younger sister and I to cook lunch today. Did I mentioned that it was really rushed =p But it was really fun cooking for 4 people and running around the kitchen and screaming at each other to do something! Lucky for us, it turned out all right ... because of the packet noodles seasoning =p

The fair was really huge and I had lots of fun and information walking around and asking questions. Saw Sweet Penguin and Gopher there! Sweet Penguin was really handsome #>_<#
* ahem #>.># *

Any-ways, then after my mum and I went to Sheraton Towers to have high tea, or at least it was supposed to be. Apparently the Hotel bar's fully booked so we sat at the Hotel café area instead and ordered something else =( But the Durian cake was really nice, with squares of sponge cake placed nicely on top of the cake, not a lot of whipped cream. And the durian is not heavy as well as not strong smelling =) The chocolate pistachio cake was good too, but not the best. The pistachio in the middle had a very slight taste, I could say almost tasteless. The tea there, wasn't as good as Antoinette, but it has a serving for 3 cups 0.0

durian cakeChocolate Pistachio

Hope everyone had a great Saturday! =)

Ciao ~
Andrea Trinity =)

Mixed emotions

Today was a little crazy, I was in a really good mood in the morning, and played in my classmates' labs. But after lunch and helping out my friend in the afternoon, I got really tired and I became so restless that my body just moved on its own. Recounting back what I have done ... I should have gone home earlier from the start instead of being wishy washy.

Though, in the evening I went to the Singapore Arts Festival with my friends and I had a great time. Saw the so called centaurs. The female rider took off her halter neck blouse to revel her black bra on the floating platform in front of a public audience =p Then after we headed over the Marina Bay Sands to watch the Water and Lights show ( More like we rushed there 0.0 ). On the way home afterwards, 2 people scolded me, and the atmosphere became pretty strange for me.

But I did learn one thing from tonight: I will change my ways to treat my loved one better, because he has really controlled himself for me =) Thank you

Anyway, I have got to go to bed now, gotta cure my eyes =)

Ciao ~Andrea Trinity =)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

17 May 2012

Nothing much happened today, just had comm skills and hung out in the library with Bee H, Naz the Bear, and cool cat =) At first, instead of doing out work, we played the guess the logo game on Bear's phone =) really fun! Then I went home to eat Ramyun - spicy mushroom! Added inside was cabbage and egg.

Expect what's expecting is came out today! =)

Anyway, I listened to a song on the Radio today, and I would like to share it =) so its here below, and you can download the mp3 from mediafire. I give you Gavin DeGraw ...

[ Gavin DeGraw - Not over you ]
Download HERE =)

Alright, I have to do my work now.

Ciao ~Andrea Trinity =)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Today was a pretty fun day, I learnt how to do masking with flash! But we had a surprise mock test that lasted 4 hours ... and I definitely didn't do well as usual. My design really looks very bad =( I wonder why it looks really nice in my own mind, but when I do it out, it looks different and horrible! 0_0

Anyway, after that I went to Velocity and ate at a really neat place! The restaurant had a book cafe concept. I can't post the pictures here because it's in Sweet Penguin's phone. Anyhow, the dessert is really nice AND filling! Their favourites were the chocolate cake and the oreo cheesecake, both are really nice! But as for their main course, it was good, but not exceptional. Though their salad is pretty nice =) I tried their Sausage Rosti, and its good =) Too bad that we didn't get to sit on the outside in their little 'Dome' of theirs, that place looks really cosy and romantic =P

[ Cute Japanese candy! =) ]
And I saw Sharky at Velocity! He really gave me a fright haha! Oh, and I bought these cute little sweets that I'll going to try tomorrow, they are really cute! They were about a dollar each packet! except for the sushi looking candy, it's a dollar and thirty-five cents. Can't wait to try them!

That's all for tonight, really tired and my feet is killing me, I wore new shoes =) Have a great night! Let me leave with a not so recent song =)  Ciao ~

[ I like this type of not so noisy but happy tune =) ]

Andrea Trinity =)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Hey, there!

I woke up slightly later then usual today, so I had to rush down to the bus stop. I was in a bit of a panic if I did not make it to school on time because the bus frequencies at my place is really low. But whilst waiting there just after I reached, my Automated Prediction sent an SMS to me "Your bus - is reaching your bus stop soon". The funny thing was that I looked up from that message and saw that bus just turning around the corner towards the bus stop! I was really amazed * Thanks Sweet Penguin! *

Basically Bee H and I sat together again and talked a lot, he's still sick, so I nagged at him to not eat lots of food. Yes, I became like a Nagging Mother AGAIN =) But it is for his own good. Luckily he listened to me and just ate soup-based noodles =)

So Bee H was actually saying that most boyfriends wouldn't like their girlfriends to hang out with other guys on the norm. So because I'm like almost surrounded by guys all day long because my female friends cannot accompany me, Thanks so much for being so cool with it! ^_^

Oh and we had another round of audition for the role of MC, thanks to Giddy, I got the role and he is the reserve. And poor Angel was already knocked out the last round =( But I guess, after thinking about it, I am pretty glad to be the official MC =) yay!

Oh and for dinner, I'm having herbal chicken! Its soo nice! I don't think I will be able to live happily without eating home cooked food! I hope I can learn well from my Aunties in the future =)
Well, that's all for today, going to eat now! =)
Ciao ~

[ Yummy Herbal Chicken ]

Andrea Trinity =)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Blues ... =(

Hi ~

Today just started out all wrongly =( I got up early to print documents, and even had time to play games! But then I entered the lift, and took out my ez-link card. Then I hurried to the bus stop, as I saw the bus coming, I quickly took out my card ... but it wasn't there!! I started to panic and tried to flag down a taxi, but there were none in sight! So I hurried home to call for a taxi, and found out that my Auntie had actually found my card! Thank Heavens, they really helped me a lot! But I was already late for my lecture so I still took the taxi and paid $11.50 ='(

But anyhow, the taxi driver was nice, he drove faster for me and chit-chatted. Anyway, I completed my assignment in the lecture theater. Something regarding Workplace relationship =) Then I went MAD - Mobile Application Development =p I totally screwed up here. We had to show our assignment and I just couldn't finish it on time ='( so disappointed with myself >=( and we had an quiz to follow. Really such a headache.

Then after I had Ben Ben's lesson! As usual, he was really nice, I like him =) He taught about date objects and how to use the time() to manipulate the data in whatever reasons we may use it for. And, I went to meet my new classmate Bee H together with Sweet Penguin! We accompanied Bee H for awhile because he had lots of time to kill. And he treated me to a Mango Snowblend! So we chatted as we ate and drank, such fun we had.

Finally, saw Sweet Penguin off to his driving lesson =) wishing him the best of luck ^.^ Though I had brought home a second blister OVER the first almost healed blister. Other then that, it was a pretty eventful day! Though I'll have to slave over the night to finish up all my work ='(

Just a little something that my teacher told us ( May be a little outdated ) - A study found that 33% of men indulge in gossip almost every day, compared with 26% of women. My Baby Giraffe and I falls within these numbers, oh no ~

I'm going to eat and 'watch lie to me' now,

Ciao ~Andrea Trinity =)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there!

Its such a wonderful day today, where all mothers deserve that special, extra loving they have always deserved! All those labour pains and more to bring all of us up =) For me, we started the morning by driving all the way to Orchard Road - Takashimaya Shopping centre, where my younger sister and I picked up the cake for our mother. It's such a pretty and lovely pastry cake! costs $45.50 at River Gauche =)

[ The cake was shared between Lionel, Celin, Jun Sheng and Myself! ]

And my brother also gave my mum a set of chocolates that we bought in his place - $11 but it is mixed with chocolates, sweets and jellies, yummy!

My sister bought my mum a really neat pastry from Paul's bakery at Takashimaya, I'm going to go there and try their raisin loaf someday =) And I gave my mother a body lotion and a handmade luggage tag! I find it cute anyway, since it's my first time trying to sew up a luggage tag =)

[ My Apple Monster Luggage Tag! =3 ]

Yup, and finally for dinner we are going to have homemade pizza! It's really good because its is really thin crust and we can put ANYTHING for the toppings ... like coffee and Chocolate =p, not saying that we did that. So anyway, here is to wishing to all mothers again: Happy Mother's day =)

Signing off ~Andrea Trinity =)