Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Blues ... =(

Hi ~

Today just started out all wrongly =( I got up early to print documents, and even had time to play games! But then I entered the lift, and took out my ez-link card. Then I hurried to the bus stop, as I saw the bus coming, I quickly took out my card ... but it wasn't there!! I started to panic and tried to flag down a taxi, but there were none in sight! So I hurried home to call for a taxi, and found out that my Auntie had actually found my card! Thank Heavens, they really helped me a lot! But I was already late for my lecture so I still took the taxi and paid $11.50 ='(

But anyhow, the taxi driver was nice, he drove faster for me and chit-chatted. Anyway, I completed my assignment in the lecture theater. Something regarding Workplace relationship =) Then I went MAD - Mobile Application Development =p I totally screwed up here. We had to show our assignment and I just couldn't finish it on time ='( so disappointed with myself >=( and we had an quiz to follow. Really such a headache.

Then after I had Ben Ben's lesson! As usual, he was really nice, I like him =) He taught about date objects and how to use the time() to manipulate the data in whatever reasons we may use it for. And, I went to meet my new classmate Bee H together with Sweet Penguin! We accompanied Bee H for awhile because he had lots of time to kill. And he treated me to a Mango Snowblend! So we chatted as we ate and drank, such fun we had.

Finally, saw Sweet Penguin off to his driving lesson =) wishing him the best of luck ^.^ Though I had brought home a second blister OVER the first almost healed blister. Other then that, it was a pretty eventful day! Though I'll have to slave over the night to finish up all my work ='(

Just a little something that my teacher told us ( May be a little outdated ) - A study found that 33% of men indulge in gossip almost every day, compared with 26% of women. My Baby Giraffe and I falls within these numbers, oh no ~

I'm going to eat and 'watch lie to me' now,

Ciao ~Andrea Trinity =)

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