Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Today was a pretty fun day, I learnt how to do masking with flash! But we had a surprise mock test that lasted 4 hours ... and I definitely didn't do well as usual. My design really looks very bad =( I wonder why it looks really nice in my own mind, but when I do it out, it looks different and horrible! 0_0

Anyway, after that I went to Velocity and ate at a really neat place! The restaurant had a book cafe concept. I can't post the pictures here because it's in Sweet Penguin's phone. Anyhow, the dessert is really nice AND filling! Their favourites were the chocolate cake and the oreo cheesecake, both are really nice! But as for their main course, it was good, but not exceptional. Though their salad is pretty nice =) I tried their Sausage Rosti, and its good =) Too bad that we didn't get to sit on the outside in their little 'Dome' of theirs, that place looks really cosy and romantic =P

[ Cute Japanese candy! =) ]
And I saw Sharky at Velocity! He really gave me a fright haha! Oh, and I bought these cute little sweets that I'll going to try tomorrow, they are really cute! They were about a dollar each packet! except for the sushi looking candy, it's a dollar and thirty-five cents. Can't wait to try them!

That's all for tonight, really tired and my feet is killing me, I wore new shoes =) Have a great night! Let me leave with a not so recent song =)  Ciao ~

[ I like this type of not so noisy but happy tune =) ]

Andrea Trinity =)