Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mixed emotions

Today was a little crazy, I was in a really good mood in the morning, and played in my classmates' labs. But after lunch and helping out my friend in the afternoon, I got really tired and I became so restless that my body just moved on its own. Recounting back what I have done ... I should have gone home earlier from the start instead of being wishy washy.

Though, in the evening I went to the Singapore Arts Festival with my friends and I had a great time. Saw the so called centaurs. The female rider took off her halter neck blouse to revel her black bra on the floating platform in front of a public audience =p Then after we headed over the Marina Bay Sands to watch the Water and Lights show ( More like we rushed there 0.0 ). On the way home afterwards, 2 people scolded me, and the atmosphere became pretty strange for me.

But I did learn one thing from tonight: I will change my ways to treat my loved one better, because he has really controlled himself for me =) Thank you

Anyway, I have got to go to bed now, gotta cure my eyes =)

Ciao ~Andrea Trinity =)

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